Academica is organizing the masterclass series Research@School! In this exclusive series of masterclasses, our renowned professors will share the latest insights from research and policy in their field of expertise, explicitly connecting to professional practice. Sustainable change and continuous improvement require commitment to practical research in addition to this connection. This series will feature masterclasses on a variety of topics in education, presented by national and international experts.
All speakers are professors affiliated with Academica, who demonstrate, on the basis of solid and proven research, how to provide quality education. On January 24, we kicked off the series with Christine Rubie-Davies, who spoke about the promoting and impeding factors for high achievement.
Sign up!
Below is a listing of all upcoming master classes. The master classes take place online via Zoom and last approximately 90 minutes. Because of our international speakers, some of the masterclasses will be given in Dutch while others will be in English.
Via the links below you can find more information about the masterclasses and register directly.
Door Margareth de Wit MBA
Masterclass Extraordinary schoolleaders
Over het genereren van positieve impact, verbeteren van de medewerkersbetrokkenheid en de studentresultaten.
Masterclass Online 16:00 - 17:30By prof. dr. Jim Heal
Masterclass Effective educational leadership
Effective educational leadership at the school and system level is critical to teacher and student success.
Masterclass Online 16:00 - 17:30Door prof. dr. Orhan Agirdag
Masterclass Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs in diverse scholen
Diversiteit en kwaliteitsvol onderwijs kunnen perfect samengaan, maar dit gebeurt niet automatisch.
Masterclass Online 16:00 - 17:30Door prof. dr. Laurence Guérin
Masterclass Burgerschap in het kwadraat
In deze masterclass bespreken we hoe burgerschapsonderwijs zodanig ingevuld kan worden dat het de participatie van leerlingen oefent en tegelijkertijd inclusie bevordert.
Masterclass Online 16:00 - 17:30