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Poster - The 10 characteristics of a High Performing School

What do you recognize a High Performing School (HPS) by? And how is an HPS organized? According to research (Muijs & Agirdag, 2023), High Performing Schools simultaneously pay attention to improving the primary process and developing the school as a learning organization. High Performing Schools schools additionally focus on continuous, professional development of teachers in learning teams, closely aligned with the development of effective school leadership.

With this poster, we provide insight into the ten characteristics that research and practice from over one hundred HPS schools nationwide show have the greatest impact on organizational, professional and student learning.

Use the poster to analyze with your team how you stand on each of the ten characteristics or hang it up in the school to share where and how your school stands for better education for all students.

Tip: the poster can be printed in large A3 or A2 size! 



Download the poster, share it with your team and colleagues or hang it up!


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